Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Call Recorder - ACR Premium v14.3

Call Recorder - ACR Premium v14.3

Another Call Recorder is a free call recorder application. It is one of the best call recorders in the Play Store and offers tons of features such as:

- Search
- Grouping recordings by date
- Auto email (Pro)
- Auto delete old recordings
- Marking recordings as important so they don't get auto deleted
- Multi select, delete, send
- Displaying contact name and photo
- Excluded numbers
- Auto or Manual (Pro) call recording
- Password protection of recordings
- Lots of recording formats
- Ability start delayed recording
- Different recording modes by number, contact, non-contact or just selected contacts
- Dropbox integration (Pro)
- Google Drive integration (Pro)
- WebDAV integration (Pro)
- And many more...

What's New
Huge update! Please report any crash or issue
Recording listing backend completely re-written for better performance and handling large recording lists
Memory usage should be reduced almost by half!
Search now searches notes too
Sort by date
Sync for Dropbox service is rewritten and will require re-linking
Issues with certain WebDAV servers fixed
Cloud FTP client now supports paths so you can use ftp://ftp.mydomain.com:21/path
Default recording delay for incoming calls is set to 2 seconds

Call Recorder - ACR Premium v12.2Call Recorder - ACR Premium v12.2

Call Recorder - ACR Premium v12.2

Call Recorder - ACR Premium v12.2Call Recorder - ACR Premium v12.2

Require 2.3 and Up & File Size 5.7mb



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